ڊاڪٽرپروين موسٰي ميمڻ _ جا لکيل مقالا

سنڌي عورتن جي لکڻين ۾ ٻوليءَ جو استعمال : جائزو

سنڌي ٻولي تحقيقي جرنل جلد ڏهون- شمارو پهريون، جون 2017ع

Abstract: Role of female writers, along with male authors, has been very important toward Sindhi language and literature. Women have made their mark both in prose and poetry. In the pre-partition times, records of contributions of Sindhi female writers are available in various literary forms, e.g.....وڌيڪ پڙهو

ڪلا پرڪاش جي ناولن ۾ عورت ڪردار جي حيثيت ۽ اهميت جو جائزو

سنڌي ٻولي تحقيقي جرنل جلد ٻارھون شماروپھريون جون 2019ع

Abstract: Kala Prakash is a well-known Sindhi prose writer with short stories, memoirs, essays, poetic prose and novels to her credit. Her contribution to modern novel is astounding with more than ten amazing novels, the titles there of are mentioned below in the article. This paper meticulously .....وڌيڪ پڙهو

حميد سنڌي: بحيثيت ڪهاڻيڪار

سنڌي ٻولي تحقيقي جرنل جلد چوڏھون شماروپھريون جون 2021ع

Abstract Hameed Sindhi (12-10-1939, 3-1-2020) is well known writer of Sindhi literature. He started his creative writing career as a short story writer. His first book was published named “Semmi” in (سيمي- 1958ع-) other books of short stories are “Udas Waadyoon” .....وڌيڪ پڙهو

عطا محمد ڀنڀري جون سنڌي ترجمي نگاريءَ ۾ خدمتون

سنڌي ٻولي تحقيقي جرنل جلد سورھو - شمارو پھريون [اونهارو]


Language is an improvement, growth and development of world societies. Language is the history of man with important tool of learning.

An act of translation is a great source of communication among such different people, nations and even among coun.....وڌيڪ پڙهو